okay. this is the first of many many many many posts of the stepping down ceremony of 2006. will first give you the videos. sorry, the speeches of the 2 presidents cannot be heard at all so sadly, i deleted them. btw, as of now, the vid of pris blowing the balloons has been watched 111 times. congrats pris!!
1:35 AM
this post is on the outgoing leaders of SFC '05-'06 receiving our gifts of appreciation during the SFC Stepping Down Ceremony of 2006. thanks mentors and teachers who bought the gifts for us. we really appreciate it :)
Timothy: Outgoing SFC President
Jayce: Outgoing SFC Vice-President
Janice: Outgoing SFC Secretary/Treasurer
Aloysius: Outgoing SFC Evangelism Head
Anna: Outgoing SFC Prayer Head
Joel: Outgoing SFC Worship Head
Sophia: Outgoing SFC Publicity Head
Chao Yuan: Outgoing SFC Welfare Head/Cell Group Co-ordinator
Valerie: Outgoing SFC Cell Group Leader
Priscilla: Outgoing SFC Cell Group Leader
Jeremy: Outgoing SFC Cell Group Leader
Nicola: Outgoing SFC Cell Group Leader
btw, 'Outgoing' refers to stepping down that outgoing, not the personality-very-fun-and-adventurous outgoing.. cos it looked weird when i typed it. oh wells.
1:34 AM
in case you were wondering, NO, i did not forget caleb
Caleb: SFC Special Service Award Recipient
Congrats, Caleb! it's a well deserved award for all the hard work and projects you have done for SFC :)
communion table
Tim Wan: our outgoing president makes his speech
kevin: new sfc pres makes his speech
presenting the new exco of sfc '06-'07.
L-R:anthea, wan ling, janna, hui ru, jonathan, jia hui, esther, gloria, rachel, chin pin, eunice and kevin.
take care of SFC, guys.
1:33 AM
kevin and tim. the badges are very shiny :)
now, it's off to the many photos we took with different random groups of people after the Stepping Down Ceremony.
Cell Leaders. L-R:Janna, Hui Ru, Valerie, Wan Ling, Jeremy, Nicola, Anthea and Priscilla
this was taken during morning worship. Val and Nic. the hands have the initials 'C, L' for Cell Leaders.. hahaha
Tim Wan and Boing Boing. Boing Boing is a gift from Kevin to Tim and it lights up when you hit it.
SFC guys of 2005-2006 with Shirley, Mark and Mr Lim and Boing Boing.
SFC guys with Mark, Mr Lim and Boing Boing.
This just proves that guys cannot take photos cos it's all BLURRY!!! sfc girls of 2005-2006 with Shirley
Pris' Cell
Nic's Cell's j2s. (missing Jeremy. maybe someone can photoshop him in)
nic and vonn
joel, nic, chaos, caleb
joel, nic, chaos
and that's how you woo a girl...lessons from jem, chaos, joel and caleb (L-R)
SFC girls and Mark
caleb, joel and chaos
caleb and chaos (btw, both of their names start with 'C' leh)
A31! pris is making an 'A', anna is making a '3', nic is making a '1' and jan jan is making an '!', so we have A31! :)
1:32 AM
i was personally quite surprised when mr lim called a meeting for the outgoing SFC comm. then we realised that he was giving the cell leaders badges.. thank you for the 'heavy badge' even though we only wore the badges for about 5 minutes.
our last official meeting as the SFC comm of '05-'06
val receiving badge
pris receiving badge
nic receiving badge
jem receiving badge
1:31 AM
okay, the following are the group shots of everyone.
serious shot
random shot
'valerie-pose' shot
'queen's claw' shot
'COR pose' shot.
1:29 AM